Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Echolink now available via W4RYZ Repeater

KF4MOU EchoLink Station
NODE # 322151
Connected to the 145.210- W4RYZ Repeater
Located in Panama City, FL

Introductory Information

  • All stations are welcome to connect to the station (Local and EchoLink stations).
  • Please adhere to all the Amateur Radio rules and EchoLink connection standards.
  • This service is provided to all Amateurs to expand their QSO possibilities and greatly extend the range and use of the local Panama City 145.210  W4RYZ Panama City Amateur Radio Club repeater.

KF4MOU Usage Logs (Updated every 5 Min) Callsign Log
Important: If you would like to add a station to the station favorites or you have questions concerning the system please e-mail Jason Charles:'t forget to remove the underscores!).

If You Have Never Before Used EchoLink Please Read The Following!

Basic Operating Steps:

  1. Figure out where you want to connect and obtain the node number for that location. Use the Echolink Links page to obtain the node number.
  2. Tune your 2 meter transceiver to the local club repeater 145.210 - offset.
  3. Listen for a current QSO. If no QSO is in progress, say your call sign followed by "Using Echolink" so that anyone preparing to use the repeater locally knows it's about to go into use.
  4. Enter the appropriate DTMF tones.
  5. DTMF Usage Guide


    DTMF Command Tone

    Connect to a specific station
    Enter the Node Number (for example, W4WEB-R is 495353)
    Randomly connect to any node
    Randomly connect to a simplex or repeater-based Echolink station
    Reconnect to last connected station
    Check connection status
    Play Station Information
    Disconnect from station
    Disconnect all stations
    Connect by CallC
    Connect to *ECHOTEST*9999
    Connect to SkyWarn *WX_TALK*9888
    EchoProducer Commands
    Who is connected*08
    Last Connected*09
    Current WX Conditions**1
    Temp Only55*
Listen to the connect greeting for specific instructions.

The generally accepted practice is: once connected to a station listen for a QSO; if no QSO in progress give your Call Sign, Name and Location.  Note: Some stations prefer that you say ("CQ, CQ, CQ this is [call sign] calling").

If you make a contact, enjoy your QSO!
When finished, close the Station Link by Pressing #
Hardware Used:
HTX-212  - 2 Meter  Mobile
Rigblaster Plus
Homebrew J-Pole 2m Base Antenna
12v Lead Acid Battery with timed trickle charger for extended power outages

Pentium III 800Mhz
APC Battery Backup