Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 12th Lynn Haven Portable Ops

The park by the bay at the west end of 5th street in Lynn Haven FL was an excellent portable location and the blue skies made it even better. Jason Charles N4JTC had his ground plane setup for 10 meters which was very hot. Using PSK-31 he worked:

IW0BMC - Rome, Italy
YU7YG - Serbia
HB9BRU - Switzerland
IK5FKB - Italy
OE6BMG - Austria
9A1CCB - Croatia
VE7MWP - B.C. Canada
DL2OCE - Germany

Jason also did phone message relay, health and welfare for ve7mwp. He has relatives here and wanted to send a message of hello all is well from B.C., Canada.

Marv KK4DKT had his 20 meter dipole setup at the shore. Jim K4LIX had a QRP setup and Greg had a QRP rig hooked to a 40 meter full wave loop. Thanks to all for a great turn out.